• May 2014



    Shortcuts for Deleting Text

    One way to remove unwanted text is to use the Delete key. Another is to highlight the word or words and then press the Delete key.

    Here are three secret shortcuts to make editing even easier:

    For PC converts who miss the Forward Delete key:

    Hold down the FN key and press the Delete key

    To delete an entire word:

    Position the cursor at the end of the word, press and hold the Option key while hitting the Delete key
    Double click in the word to highlight it, then press Delete

    To delete an entire line of text:

    Position the cursor at the end of the line, press and hold the Command while hitting the Delete key

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    4 Tips for Charging Your Mobile Device

    battery-charger1. To give your iPad and iPhone batteries the longest life possible, you want to make sure you completely cycle it once a month. That means charging it to 100%, draining it down to 0% (until it automatically shuts off), and then charging it all the way to 100% again.

    2. Put your device into Airplane Mode and it will charge twice as fast. Remember to switch back when you’re done or you won’t have phone service or wifi access.

    3. Apple branded chargers work much faster than third party brands.

    4. Plugging directly into the wall will charge your device faster than plugging into your Mac.


    iTunes: Authorizing and Deauthorizing Users

    itunesWhen you purchase music from the iTunes Store you initially have permission to only play it on the computer you purchased it on. If you want to be able to play your purchased music on your other computers and mobile devices, you need to give them permission. You can authorize as many as five devices to share your purchased music.

    In iTunes, click on the Store menu
    Choose Authorize the Computer

    To see what other devices are authorized, under the Store menu, choose View Account

    If you have a computer or mobile device that you no longer use, you should Deauthorize that device.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Safari History

    safari-history1Lots of features have moved and changed in the newest version of Safari. The History icon used to be right there at the bottom of the screen. Now you have to go find it.

    1. In Safari Tap the Bookmarks icon at the bottom. It looks like an open book.

    2. If you don’t see icons at the bottom, tap the top of the window to reveal them.

    3. You should see a list of choices: Favorites, History, Bookmarks menu

    4. Easy. But if you’ve previously selected Favorites or the menu, to return to see these choices, tap the Bookmarks word in the top left corner to the complete list.

    5. This is also where you can access your Reading List


    Camera Trick: Burst Mode

    Did you know you can take a quick series of photos with your iPhone and iPad?

    Hold down the shutter button in your camera and you’ll automatically activate Burst mode. Your phone or iPad will take a series of photos in rapid succession and save them to your camera so you can choose the best action shot.

  • April 2014



    Calendar Trick

    I tend to work with my calendar in Month view, so that I can get an overview of my work schedule and not overextend myself or overbook. But then, I want to be able to quickly go to a certain day to see the details.

    To quickly switch from Month View to Day View so that I can see everything on a particular date, double click on the number of the date.

    For more great ways to use Calendar, sign up for the upcoming THE ORGANIZED MAC class.

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Secret Tools

    Did you know that iOS 7 includes a handy compass? And a level?

    secret-toolsThe Compass app shows your current city and state next to the compass reading and it also displays full latitude and longitude coordinates below. And if you want to follow a particular bearing (for example, 17 degrees northwest), you can tap the compass face once to set it. As you move around, the compass draws a red arc on the inside of the circle, showing how far you’re deviating from your original course.

    But did you know there’s also a handy level?

    Open the Compass app, calibrate it as directed, then swipe to the left to reveal the level.

    To use the level, place your iPad or iPhone flat on its back. Two overlapping white circles appear with a degree of measurement in the center. As you adjust the level, the circles change until they overlap perfectly for more than a few seconds. When it is level, the background will turn bright green.

    Hold your device in landscape or portrait, and you access a rectangular level, dividing the screen into white and red rectangles. When the white rectangle reaches equilibrium with the red rectangle, the latter turns bright green.

    If it’s not working correctly, quit the Compass app, re-open it and calibrate again.


    Safari Settings

    safari1A reader recently asked: “When I click on Safari, instead of just the Google page coming up, there is a page titled: Top Sites. How do I return to just the Google page?”

    The newest version of Safari may have changed your default settings, including what shows when you first open Safari.

    1. In Safari, under the Safari menu choose Preferences

    2. Click the General tab

    3. This is where you choose what you want to appear when you open Safari.
    If you don’t use Top Sites, change to Homepage

    4. This is also where you can set what the Homepage is

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Navigating in Safari

    iOS 7 changed how you navigate with Safari. When a page opens, you can see the Address Bar at the top, but as you peruse the page, that bar disappears. So do the Forward and Back arrows, and the other icons at the bottom of the screen

    So how do you get back to searching?

    Tap the top area where you expect the Address Bar to be and it will re-appear. The tools at the bottom also return.

    Tap it again to highlight the current address so you can type a new search in the box.

    To return to a page you recently visited, tap the Pages icon at the bottom right.
    Close any pages you’re done with by tapping the X


    Changing Passwords

    passwordLast week’s Heartbleed bug affected the security of many favorite websites. This Money Magazine article from April 11 suggests that you change your passwords on several top sites, including Gmail, Yahoo and Facebook.

    You do not need to change any of your Apple passwords!

    Your iCloud password and all of your passwords that are stored in Apple’s iCloud Keychain are secure.

    As you visit sites where you have since changed a password, iCloud Keychain will ask if you want to save the new password. Say yes.


    When choosing a new password, consider something more cryptic, even if it is hard to remember. Experts suggest choosing a sentence or phrase and taking the first letters of each word, combining capital and lowercase letters and also including some numbers.

    For example, the phrase: take me to the beach this year
    could be the password tM2tB14

    And every time you type it, you’ll think about taking yourself to the beach.

    Experts also recommend having four different user name and passwords… one for low level usage, like when you have to give an email address, one for your email accounts, one for high level things like banking and purchases, and one in the middle for everything else.

    I recommend that you write everything down in a notebook. And if you need it online, at least save it in a password-protected document on a secure cloud server like iCloud.

    If you’re looking for an online password solution, 1PASSWORD gets high marks from many of my clients. They’re offering a 20% off special here: https://agilebits.com/store

    And remember, when you change your Gmail or Yahoo passwords on their websites, you’ll also have to change it in the Mail settings on your Mac, iPhone and iPad.


    Auto Typing with Text Expander

    Users of Mavericks can now take advantage of a built-in text expander. If you type the same phrases, you can create shortcuts for this frequently uses text.

    Let’s say you often type “Love you much” in your emails.

    You can create a shortcut so that, when you type LYM it will automatically type the complete phrase.

    1. From the Apple menu, open System Preferences

    2. Click on the Keyboard icon

    3. Click on the Text tab

    4. Click the + at the bottom of the left column to create a new shortcut

    5. Type the shortcut keys and the full text in the appropriate spaces

    6. Close System Preferences

    7. Open up Mail or a word processing document and try it!

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Auto Typing With Text Expander

    Do you type the same phrases all of the time on your iPad or iPhone? You can create shortcuts for these frequently used sentences.

    Let’s say you often type “Love you much” in your emails.

    You can create a shortcut so that, when you type LYM it will automatically type the complete phrase.

    1. Tap Settings

    2. Tap General

    3. Scroll all the way down to Keyboard

    4. Scroll down to Shortcuts

    5. Tap Add New Shortcut…

    6. Type in the complete phrase, ie: Love you much!

    7. Next to “Shortcut” type the letters you want to use for that phrase, ie: lym

    8. Tap SAVE

    9. Open up Mail and try it!


    Cookies, Explained

    When you walk into any store these days, you are giving them permission to film you on their surveillance videos, to know that you’ve been in their store. Cookies do the same thing. They give the website owners information about you as a consumer.

    If you turn off all cookies, you won’t be able to access most websites. But you can control who has access to your information.

    1. In Safari, under the Safari menu, choose Preferences
    2. Click on the Privacy icon
    3. Next to Cookies and other website data, click on the Details button
    4. You’ll see a list of every website that you’ve visited
    5. Click on one or hold down the Command key to select more than one
    6. Click to Remove
    You can choose to Remove All, but then you may have to reenter information the next time you visit that website
    7. Make it a habit to clear out cookies data regularly, especially from sites your no longer visit so that they are no longer gathering information about you

    iPhone and iPad Tip of the Week

    Battery Life

    To get the most battery life out of your iPad and iPhone, completely cycle it once a month.

    1. Charge it to 100%
    2. Drain it down to 0 (until it automatically shuts off)
    3. Then charge it all the way to 100% again

    Plugging the device into a power outlet will charge it faster than plugging it into your computer. Also, Apple branded chargers work must faster than thitd party brands.

  • January 2013


    Make Things Bigger on the Desktop

    Did you know that you can make the text AND icons bigger on the Desktop?

    1. From the Finder click the View menu

    2. Choose Show View Options

    3. You can drag the top slider to make the icons bigger or smaller

    4. Change the text size

    5. You can even reposition the label text from the bottom to the side

    6. Click a check mark next to Show Icon Preview and you’ll see a thumbnail of all of your jpgs

    iPad and iPhone Tip of the Week

    Four More Ways to Conserve Your Battery

    Under Settings:

    1. Turn off Bluetooth if you are not connected to a wireless keyboard or your car’s system

    2. In General, under Spotlight search, limit where it should look when you use the search feature

    3. Under the iPod setting, turn off the EQ

    4. Under Location Services, wisely choose which Apps REALLY need to know where you are


    Scroll Bar Secrets

    The scroll bar, on the right side of every window, allows you to move up and down the window to see the contents.

    Dragging the scroll bar moves you fast, sometimes too fast. But Dragging the scroll button is the quickest way to go all the way to the top or bottom of a window.

    Clicking the up and down arrows at the bottom of the scroll bar will move you a line at a time. This is great if you are reading a document line by line or looking at individual photos.

    In the System Preferences, under Appearance, you can set the Scroll Bar to either jump to the next page or to the spot that’s clicked.

    This is handy when you are scanning a document or wanting to quickly navigate through a section of your photos.

    BONUS: In Safari, pressing the Space Bar scrolls the window down a screen at a time. Shift plus Space Bar scrolls the window up a screen at a time.

    iPad and iPhone Tip of the Week

    Quick Scroll to the Top

    When you reach the bottom of an article, or an email or the news feed in FaceBook, instead of scrolling all the way back to the top:

    Just double tap in the very top black horizontal menu space where the time and battery are displayed and you’ll zip right up to the top of the screen.


    Changing the Direction of Deleting in Mail

    I don’t know about you, but when I am deleting a series of emails in Mail, I like to delete from the bottom up. But it seems that the default deletes from the top down. What I mean is, if I delete something in the list, I want it to highlight the next email ABOVE the one I deleted.

    You can choose which direction the deleting goes.

    1. Delete an email

    2. Notice if it now highlights the email above or below the one you deleted

    3. Press the up or down arrow on the keyboard to choose the direction you want

    4. Press delete to remove the next email and it will now be highlighting the next email in the direction you chose

    iPad and iPhone Tip of the Week

    Conserve the Battery

    One way to get more battery time on your iPhone and iPad is to change the setting for auto-adjusting the brightness.

    1. Tap Settings

    2. Tap Brightness and Wallpaper

    3. Turn the Auto-Brightness setting OFF

    4. Now it will stay the same brightness no matter what the ambient light conditions.

    5. If you need the screen to be brighter or dimmer, come back to settings and make the change manually


    Keyboard Shortcuts

    The Apple Wireless Keyboard is sleek, compact and feels great on your fingers. But it’s missing the numeric keypad and a few other keys that some people are lost without.

    This week’s tip is a short (less than 2 minutes!) video lesson especially for all of you recently converted PC users who miss those special navigational keys.

    Check out the video. Try the tip. Let me know what you think!

    iPad and iPhone Tip of the Week

    Quick Contacts Editing

    If you need to quickly delete a person’s phone number or address from their contact information, you don’t need to tap Edit first.

    Find their entry in your Contacts

    Simply swipe your finger next to the information you want to delete and tap Delete.


    Typing Emoticons

    Emoticons are those cartoon characters that people include in emails and on FaceBook. They are those winking smiley faces and colorful hearts and random, fun images of things in our lives.

    Built into the Mac since Lion, you can easily add these characters.

    1. Under the Apple menu, choose System Preferences

    2. Click on the Keyboard icon

    3. Check the box to Show Keyboard and Character Viewers in menu

    4. A new icon appears in the top right menu bar, next to the clock

    5. Click it to show the Character Viewer

    6. The left column shows the different collections of symbols, shapes and arrows that have always been available on the Mac

    7. Click Emoji to access the cartoon emoticons

    8. Click on People, Nature, Objects, Places and Symbols to see the choices

    9. To use one simply drag it to where you are typing


    iPad and iPhone Tip of the Week

    Typing Emoticons

    Emoticons are those cartoon characters that people include in emails and on FaceBook posts. They are winking smiley faces and colorful hearts and random, fun images of things in our lives.

    To set up access to the Emoji keyboard:

    1. Tap Settings

    2. Tap General

    3. Scroll down and tap Keyboard

    4. Tap Add New Keyboard

    5. Find and tap Emoji

    6. Get out of Settings

    To use the Emoji keyboard when typing:

    1. In email or on FaceBook, when you have the regular keyboard showing, tap the Globe icon and it will switch to the Emoji keyobard

    2. Tap the various symbols to choose between categories

    3. Tap the Globe again to return to the regular keyboard


  • May 2012


    iPhoto: Cropping Pictures for Printing

    If you plan to print or order prints of your favorite photos, remember to first crop them to the desired size. Otherwise, the photo lab will crop them for you and you may be disappointed with the results.

    To crop a picture in iPhoto:

    1. In iPhoto, click once on the photo and click Edit from the toolbar at the bottom

    2. Click on the crop tool

    3. From the pull-down list of numbers, choose the size of the print you will be ordering. A rectangular box will appear on the photo.

    4. Drag the corners to resize the rectangle to include what you want in the photo. You’ll notice that if you make it narrower it will also make it shorter–it is constraining the photo to the proportions of the size you selected.

    5. You can reposition the rectangle by dragging in the middle of the rectangle.

    6. You can also change it from a landscape to a portrait by choosing again from the size list–the last choices in the menu give you the option to make it tall (portrait) or wide (landscape).

    7. When you have the desired area selected, click Done.

    Now you have a proper photo of the desired size.

    If you are ordering several different sizes of the same photo, duplicate the photo first (photos menu, choose duplicate) and crop each one to the desired size.

    FOR MORE GREAT iPHOTO TIPS, check out the videos in The Virtual Classroom at http://www.mac2school.com/virtual-classroom-library/

    iPad and iPhone Tip of the Month

    Turning To-Do’s Into Ta Dones

    The free App, I DONE THIS gets five stars when it comes to writing stuff down and staying motivated, whatever you do. You just tap the icon of the cute dog face and write about everything you got done that day.

    It’s not another TO DO list that might leave you feeling overwhelmed or unaccomplished. I DONE THIS is all about recognizing what you HAVE done. You can scroll through all of the entries and feel a sense of big accomplishment.


    Quicken vs Quicken Essentials

    You’ve probably heard that Intuit finally released a version of Quicken that will work with Lion. Even if you’ve already converted to Quicken Essentials, you can still switch back to the new Quicken.

    Why would you want to?

    ~ Quicken 2007 has much more complete reporting capabilities.

    ~ Quicken 2007 includes automatic backups of your important data.

    ~ Quicken 2007 allows you to pay your bills right from within the program.

    ~ Quicken 2007 tracks investments and securities.

    And more.

    Here’s the link to download the newest Lion compatible version.


    Be sure to read the conversion information too. Or call me and I’ll help you.

    iPad and iPhone Tip of the Month

    Emailing More Than One Photo At a Time

    To send more than one picture in an email:

    1. Tap Photos

    2. Don’t select a picture! Instead, tap the Share icon, the rectangle with the arrow in the top right corner

    3. Now select your photos

    4. Tap Share

    5. Choose Email

    You can also use this technique to Delete several photos at a time.


    Scroll Bar Secrets

    The scroll bar, on the right side of every window, allows you to move up and down the window to see the contents.
    Dragging the scroll bar moves you fast, sometimes too fast. But Dragging the scroll button is the quickest way to go all the way to the top or bottom of a window.

    Clicking the up and down arrows at the bottom of the scroll bar will move you a line at a time. This is great if you are reading a document line by line or looking at individual photos.

    In the System Preferences, under Appearance, you can set the Scroll Bar to either jump to the next page or to the spot that’s clicked.

    This is handy when you are scanning a document or wanting to quickly navigate through a section of your photos.

    BONUS: In Safari, pressing the Space Bar scrolls the window a screen at a time.

    iPad and iPhone App of the Month

    Paper Karma: Get a handle on Junk Mail

    Paper Karma is a free app that helps eliminate all of the junk mail and catalogs that fill up your mailbox. Just snap a photo of the label on any piece of junkmail and send it to the folks at Paper Karma and your name will be removed from that mailing list.


    Updates! Updates! Updates!

    It is so important to keep current with all of your computer software updates. Updates fix bugs, increase security and make things work better.

    Updates for all Apple software will come through Software update, under the Apple menu.

    In addition, if you have purchased software from the APP Store, you will receive notification there as well.

    If you see a red number on the App store icon in the Dock, that means that there is an update waiting for you to install.

    Click to open the App Store, then click on Updates in the top right of the menu bar.

    For Microsoft Office, Quicken, QuickBooks, Firefox and all non-Apple products, you need to check within each of these Apps for an update. Look under the Help menu for a link to Check for Updates.

    iPad and iPhone Tip of the Month


    Yes, of course you can print from your iPad and iPhone. You just need a wireless printer that is Airprint compatible.

    For a complete list of printers that are Airprint compatible, click here.


    Tips and Secrets for Addressing Emails

    Check out this free video that shows you secrets for addressing emails, clearing out incorrect or old addresses and so much more!

    If you like this video, you’ll love the upcoming online class TAME YOUR EMAIL.
    Click here for details.

    iPad and iPhone Tip of the Month

    Four Ways to Conserve Your Battery

    Under Settings:

    1. Turn off Bluetooth if you are not connected to a wireless keyboard

    2. Under General, choose Restrictions, turn off Ping, Apple’s social networking music service

    3. Under the iPod setting, turn off the EQ

    4. Under Location Services, wisely choose which Apps REALLY need to know where you are

  • September 2011


    iCal: Moving an Event from One Day to the Next

    Instead of deleting an event and recreating it on the correct day:

    Hold down the Option key and drag the event to the desired day.


    Moving Apps From One Screen to Another

    It’s handy to have your most frequently used Apps in the first page. And it’s pretty easy to move your Apps around.

    First, press and hold on the App you want to move. They’ll all start wiggling. Now drag the App to the edge of the current page and it should move to the next page.

    If it doesn’t seem to work, here’s a faster way:

    Once you have everything wiggling, drag the App onto the bottom dock of favorite Apps. Switch to the page you want to move it to, then drag it from the dock onto that page.

    Yes, you can add and rearrange the Apps in that Favorites dock this way too.

    When you’re done rearranging, press the Home button to stop the wiggling.


    The Difference Between the APP store and the iTunes Store

    The APP STORE, found in the Dock and under the Apple menu on your computer, is where you can now go to purchase applications for your Mac. Instead of going to a store and purchasing a DVD, you can now download hundreds of programs and games that work on your Mac.

    To find APPS to use on your iPhone or iPad, you don’t use the APP store. Instead, open iTunes and click on the iTunes Store.

    To quickly find APPS for your Device, try the POWER SEARCH feature.

    On the right side of the iTunes Store Home screen is a list of Quick Links.

    1. Click on Power Search

    2. Click on All Results and change to Apps

    3. Under Device Compatibility, choose your Device

    4. You can search by title, category, even choose to only look for Free Apps.


    Clients Share Their Favorite Apps

    With the thousands of Apps available, it’s hard to know which ones to try. So each month I’ll share some of my clients’ favorite apps.

    The easiest way to find a particular APP:
    On your iPhone or iPad:

    1. Click on App Store icon

    2. Click the Search icon at the bottom

    Or, if you purchase through iTunes on your Mac,use the Power Search feature:

    1. In iTunes, click on iTunes Store

    2. In the far right column under Quick Links, Click on Power Search

    3. Change “All Results” to APPS

    4. Enter words in the Keywords

    5. You can also limit to just iPad or just iPhone

    This month’s recommended apps, available for iPhone and iPad, are all about relaxing. And they’re all FREE so try them!

    Buddhist Meditation (Lite): A free collection of five soul-stirring Buddhist melodies.

    Relax Melodies: Rain, gong, piano, birds, thunder, xylophone, wind–you can combine your favorites sounds to achieve deep relaxation and meditation.

    iZen Garden2 Lite: All the peace and tranquility of a Japanese Zen garden without the sandy mess.

    YogaFree: 250 yoga poses with instructions and photos and more.


    Emails Print Too Small to Read

    Several clients have asked why their emails print in such a tiny font that they can’t read them.

    In the print window, there are several choices.

    If you don’t see them, first click the triangle next to the name of your printer.
    Or, in Lion, click Show Details.

    To have emails print so that you can read them, be sure that
    Keep the same apparent font size is the selected option.


    Charging the Batteries

    The fastest way to charge your iPhone and iPad is with the USB power adapter.

    They will also charge, though slower, when connected to your computer. But if your computer is turned off or in sleep mode, the batteries will NOT charge but, instead, will continue to drain.


    Emailing Pics with iPhoto ’11

    The newest version of iPhoto gives you two choices for emailing photos. By default, a new, fancier email is sent that allows you to choose different styles, like a corkboard or snapshot or collage.

    While these are really fun, the recipient cannot download the pictures because they are embedded in the email and are not attachments.

    To send photos as attachments, you need to change a preference.

    1. In iPhoto click on the iPhoto menu and choose Preferences
    2. Click on the General button
    3. Next to the choice, Email photos using, click on iPhoto
    4. Change it to Mail
    5. Close the Preferences and now choose some photos to send.



    Taking a Screen Shot

    Sometimes you have something on your screen that you want to share with someone in an email.

    To take a snapshot of your screen:

    Press and HOLD the Home button and also press the Sleep/Wake button at the same time. The screen will flash and you’ll hear a click, indicating that a photo has been taken.

    Your screen shots are saved automatically in your Photos gallery where you can view and then email them.

  • June 2010


    How to Set Up a Free iChat Account


    iChat is Apple’s FREE video chatting software. You can use it to talk and video chat with anyone who has a Mac. (Use Skype to talk with PC users.) All you have to do is create a free identity and you’re ready to go!

    When you open iChat for the first time it will ask you to put in your account name. If you have a MobileMe account, click on the word AIM and change it to “MobileMe” then type in your information, along with your password and click Done.

    If you don’t have a MobileMe account, click on the word AIM and change it to “mac.com” and then click Get an iChat Identity.

    Fill in all of the boxes, accept the agreement, click Done and you’re set up to iChat.

    Now you just need to add the Identities of the people you want to chat with.

    If you’d like to try it out, Add me to your Buddy List by clicking the PLUS sign at the bottom of the Buddy List window. My iChat identity is moc.camnull@loohcsotcam

    The next time you see me online, click on my name and we can chat!

    Getting the Most Life Out of Your Batteries

    When dealing with the batteries in your laptop, iPhone, iPod, etc, the general rule is, use it or lose it. This means that, even if you never take your laptop away from your desk, you should unplug it from the power source and run it on the battery so that the battery gets used.
    Many of my clients ask if they should completely drain the battery regularly. Older computers and older portable phones used a different kind of battery that required this. Apple offers specific instructions to maximize the lifespan and battery life for your particular computer and iPod battery on their website. Check it out and get into the habits that they recommend.

    Printing in Black Only

    If you’d like to print something in black and white only, it’s called printing in grayscale.
    1. From the File menu, choose Print
    2. Next to the current choice under the number of pages to print (it may say Layout, or the name of the current program), click to reveal a menu of choices
    3. Choose Quality and Media
    4. At the bottom of the window, put a check mark next to Grayscale

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