Mac to School’s Virtual Classroom


Do you struggle with remembering how to do things on your Mac?

Do you often feel stuck or frustrated when you can’t figure out how to do something?

Do you feel like a ‚Äútechno-tard‚Äù because this technology stuff just doesn’t come ‚Ä®easily for you?

If you’re like most users, you’ve figured out how to do the basics but you know you can do so much more.

Maybe you’re afraid to try new things, or too embarrassed to ask for help.

Or you don’t even know what you don’t know.

The Virtual Classroom is for you!

The Virtual Classroom brings hours of bite-sized, easy to follow video lessons right to you on your computer. And you also get clear, concise written notes that you can print out and refer to.

Laurie Eppard“Simple, straightforward, EASY to understand! These videos are MUCH more understandable than Apple’s One on One classes. They are focused. They are paced. It is also nice that I can go back and replay them. Plus they are short enough and deal with only one topic at a time.”
~ Laurie Eppard


“These videos are great! It’s a really good way to learn because I can stop, back up, rewatch.”
~ Elana Russell
Bellevue, WA


The Virtual Classroom is more than just a collection of how-to videos.

I’ve taken the experiences of my clients and developed complete courses that teach you everything from the basics of an application to shortcuts and tips that make working on your Mac easier and more efficient.

  • You’ll gain an understanding of how each application works
  • You’ll learn the easiest way to accomplish frequent tasks
  • You’ll develop strategies for using each program for your particular needs
  • You’ll learn about hidden features that aren’t explained anywhere else
  • And you’ll learn shortcuts and tips to help you work even smarter

And every course comes with Mac Notes, written instructions so that you don’t have to stop and scribble your own notes. The Mac Notes give you easy to follow, step by step directions for each of the concepts in every lesson.

There’s also a Quick Quiz so that you can test yourself on what you’ve learned, reinforcing your new skills and building your confidence.

Jayne Burgess
“I thought I had a pretty good grasp of my Mac but I knew there was so much more that I could do. These videos make me feel like a genius!”
~ Jayne Burgess, Realtor


Kathy Troidle
“OMG! Working for IBM for 25 years I thought I was pretty smart about email. This class taught me there were so many ways I didn’t know about to make email organization so much easier…..for my business and personal mail. You have saved me countless hours of searching for stuff through the sea of email and keeping better track of important things.And I had great fun unsubscribing to things over the weekend, moving Foursquare and Facebook notifications to trash and turning off future notifications. I feel so much more in control over it!! You rock, Ruth! Thanks for sharing your wisdom with the world.”
~ Kathy Troidle Jackson,
Ghent, NY


  • Lessons cover everything from the basics of The Finder and tips for creating an efficient filing system, to creating photo books in iPhoto and printing mailing labels in the Address Book.

  • The lessons are short and focused, broken down into small, easy to digest bits, so you can actually learn and apply each lesson, a little at a time.

  • You can pause the videos, rewind and fast forward, allowing you learn at your own pace, choosing the features and programs that interest you.

  • There is no overwhelm and you don’t need to sit in front of the computer for hours at a time to learn something.

You won’t just gain new computer skills. You’ll also gain confidence!

Gerri Murphy“These videos have been the highlight of my summer. I have learned so many useful, fun things on my computer.You brighten my day and my spirits with your happy, enthusiastic presentation.
I can tell you put your whole heart into them. My family never ceases to be amazed at the things I do with my computer.”
~ Gerri Murphy,
Sun City, AZ

Mery Krause“I’m a very visual learner, so these are great for me. Everything is so easy to understand!”
~ Mery Krause


What makes Mac to School’s Virtual Classroom different than all other video programs is the interaction you have with me, your teacher.

In the same way that you can raise your hand and ask a question if you were in a real classroom, you can send me an email with any questions that might come up about what you are learning and I’ll answer you within 48 hours.

No other online training program offers this personal attention.

And, if you need a little extra help, you can schedule a virtual one-on-one personal training session with me and receive a discounted rate because you are a member of the program.

It’s easy.

It’s fun.

And it’s a proven way to learn.

“Fantastic! Everyone should do this. I loved learning things that I didn’t know existed to make my email that much more organized and easy to read.
The videos have shown me so many ways to cut down on my time!”
~ Tonya Davidson,

“For the love of Mac, these are the best! I am able to do so much on my Mac because you give me the confidence to try things. I can’t wait for the next installment. I am becoming a secret Geek.”
~ Elaine Isbell


When you enroll in Mac to School’s Virtual Classroom, you’ll have immediate access to hours of video lessons on the website, along with the Mac Notes for each course and a Quick Quiz to review everything you’ve learned.

You can access these anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from anywhere that you have high speed internet access.

“I am learning so much from these videos. I had been using Entourage for a couple of years because I didn’t think Apple Mail could support the way I work. But now I have learned how to customize Mail to save me time, energy and make me more efficient.
~ Diana Eastty

I love these videos!I’m remembering how to do things I had forgotten.”

~ Elaine Kates

Not sure if the Virtual Classroom is for you?

Try Them Button

See if you agree that this is a great way to learn more about your Mac.

See if you feel more confident with your computer skills.

See if you discover a few tricks that will save you time and eliminate your frustrations.

And if you agree that this is such an easy way to learn great new features and tips about your Mac, then you can enroll in the Virtual Classroom and gain access to the entire library of training videos for only $25.00 a month.

Or, save $50 and subscribe for a full year for only $249.00. That’s less than $21.00 per month for proven, high-level, one of a kind training that will make you smarter, more confident and more comfortable with your Mac.

And new content is added regularly on the topics that YOU want help with.

So sign up today and start learning how to love your Mac!

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Ruth Davis

Happy Mac-ing!

Ruth Davis

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